Your most valuable resource is the attention you bring to each day. Daypractice is a tool that helps you focus on activities and track the time you spend on them. It can help you set personal goals and priorities, and find balance with your time.
Daypractice Features:
• Built-in focus timer.
• Set visual goals for the week.
• Keep task lists for different activities.
• Activities can be anything: work, habits, exercise, meditation. Daypractice gives you some ideas to get started, but what you do is up to you.
• Activities can track time or count. For example, you could keep track of number of cups of coffee, as well as how many hours you work.
• Assign a different color to each activity.
• Graph activities by day, week, month or year.
• Easy manual entry of time or count on the main screen.
• Stores your app data privately in iCloud. Synchronizes between your iOS devices.
• No third-party service to sign up for.
Daypractice is designed to help you get things done. But also, it’s about knowing when you’ve done enough, so that you can better enjoy the time when you’re not working.